SleepingOwl Admin menu configuration default placement is in app/admin/menu.php.

Here is simple example how your menu configuration might look like:

Admin::menu()->url('/')->label('Start Page')->icon('fa-dashboard')->uses('\App\HTTP\Controllers\AdminController@getIndex');
Admin::menu()->label('Subitems')->icon('fa-book')->items(function ()
    Admin::menu(\Acme\Models\Foo::class)->label('my label');

Create Menu Item for Model


If you are running PHP under 5.5 you can use strings:


Model must be registered in SleepingOwl Admin. For details see model configuration.

Label for this menu item will be model title, but you can provide custom label using label() method.

Url for this item will be a link to the model.

Create Menu Item for Custom Controller Action


You must provide url for this item using url() and controller action using uses().

Set Label

->label('My Label')

Set Icon


You can use Font Awesome 4.1.0 icon classes.

Nested Menus

    // ...

You can create submenus. There is no depth limit.