1. Require this package in your composer.json and run composer update (or run composer require sleeping-owl/admin:2.x directly):

    "sleeping-owl/admin": "2.*"
  2. After composer update, add service providers to the config/app.php

  3. Add this to the facades in config/app.php:

    'Admin'                => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\Admin',
    'AdminAuth'            => 'SleepingOwl\AdminAuth\Facades\AdminAuth',
    'AdminRouter'          => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\Facades\AdminRouter',
    'AssetManager'         => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\AssetManager\AssetManager',
    'Column'               => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\Columns\Column',
    'FormItem'             => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\Models\Form\FormItem',
    'ModelItem'            => 'SleepingOwl\Admin\Models\ModelItem',
    'Form'      => 'Illuminate\Html\FormFacade',
    'Html'      => 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlFacade',
  4. Run this command in terminal (if you want to know what exactly this command makes, see install command documentation):

    $ php artisan admin:install
  5. All done! Now go to the <your_site_url>/admin and use default credentials admin / SleepingOwl.