Available display types:

Table Display

…->display(function ()
    $display = AdminDisplay::table();
    // configure display
    return $display;

Set Columns

Provide columns to show in table. For details see columns.


Column Filters

Provide column filters to use. For details see column filters.

    null, // first column has no column filter
    ColumnFilter::text()->placeholder('Title'), // second column has text column filter

Eager Loading

Set relations to be eager loaded.

$display->with('related', 'other_relation');

Modify Query

You can modify query as you want:

$display->apply(function ($query)
    $query->where('my_field', 2);
    $query->orderBy('date', 'desc');

Apply Scopes

You can apply eloquent scopes to this display:


Set Filters

You can add filters to this display. Filters will be applied based on query parameters. For details see filters.

    Filter::scope('last')->title('Latest News'),

Set Parameters

This parameters will be added to create and edit urls and can be used as default values for form items.

    'related_id' => 12,

Bulk Actions

You can add bulk actions:

    Column::action('export')->value('Export')->icon('fa-share')->target('_blank')->callback(function ($collection)
        dd('You are trying to export:', $collection->toArray());

To use bulk actions you must add Column::checkbox() to your columns.

Datatables Display

This display extends table display and you can use all table features.

…->display(function ()
    $display = AdminDisplay::datatables();
    // configure display
    return $display;

Set Order

You can specify default order for your table in datatables format (column index and order direction):

$display->order([[0, 'desc']]);

You can use multiple order fields:

$display->order([[0, 'desc'], [2, 'asc']]);

Datatables Attributes

You can set datatables attributes:

    'ordering' => false,
    'stateSave' => true,

Supported attributes:

  • ordering — boolean, is ordering feature is enabled (default is true)
  • stateSave — boolean, is state save feature is enabled (default is true)

Datatables Async Display

This display extends datatables display. You don't have to perform any additional configuration, your datatable will become asynchronous with this display.

…->display(function ()
    $display = AdminDisplay::datatablesAsync();
    // configure display
    return $display;

This display has some limitations:

  • you can't sort by columns not from your table (you have to mark these column not orderable by yourself)
  • you can't search by columns not from your table
  • if you want to use async datatables with tabbed display you have to name your table: AdminDisplay::datatablesAsync('my-table-name')

Tree Display

There are 2 nested-sets packages supported:

And the simplest tree based on parent_id and order fields.

If you have one of them installed and configured you can use tree display:

…->display(function ()
    $display = AdminDisplay::tree();
    // configure display
    return $display;

Set Displayed Field

You must set model field to be displayed as title (default is 'title').


Disable Tree Reorder

You can enable or disable tree reordering.


Simple Tree

You can use this type if your tree based on parent_id and order columns.

You must provide column names and root parent_id (default is null):


Tabbed Display

You can combine several displays with tabs.

…->display(function ()
    $display = AdminDisplay::tabbed();
    // configure display
    return $display;

Set Tabs

You must set tabs to display:

$display->tabs(function ()
    $tabs = [];

    $firstTab = AdminDisplay::table();
    // configure first tab display
    $tabs[] = AdminDisplay::tab($firstTab)->label('First Tab')->active(true);

    $secondTab = AdminDisplay::datatables();
    // configure second tab display
    $tabs[] = AdminDisplay::tab($secondTab)->label('Second Tab');

    $thirdTab = Admin::model('App\MyOtherModel')->display();
    // this tab will be display from 'App\MyOtherModel' configuration
    $tabs[] = AdminDisplay::tab($thirdTab)->label('Third Tab');

    return $tabs;

Custom Display

You can use your own displays and render it as you want:

…->display(function ()
    $rows = App\News::all();
    $model = Admin::model('App\News');
    return view('custom_display', compact('rows', 'model'));

Url for the creating form will be $model->createUrl().

Url for the editing form will be $model->editUrl($id).